My main objective of this blog was to help inform readers about the effects that smoking bans have had on the financial health as well as the physical health of cities and states that have enacted smoking bans.
Smoke-Free Ohio, the group responsible for Issue 5, made available to people a study of the financial effects of businesses that have instilled 100% smoke free environments. I think this document could prove to be helpful and thus enable people to make more informed opinions on where they stand with the statewide smoking ban.
I have found through my researching that for every study or article stating that there isn't any financial losses as a direct result of the smoking ban, you'll find another one that contradicts it and says that there is indeed a financial cost.
One thing that remains to be undisputed is that smoke free environments help to harbor a healthier general public. In the 3 cases I looked at every one stated that there was a reduction in the amount of heart attacks. And these decreases weren't minuscule, they were around 40% which is pretty significant.
So in the end it looks like the whole controversy over the smoking ban is a game of trade-offs. Which would you rather sacrifice, the health of Ohio residents or the profits for bars and restaurants? The choice is yours Ohio to be satisfied with the ban or continue to fight it.
**Photo Credit: This photo was taken by me and I used Adobe Photoshop for the special effect**